Mavre amaryllis
"I look young but inside i am old and filled with the deaths of other people."
[[ penned by Ayanna | twt: @napyo_prequel | 27 | ADA/Aether ]]
x FIG. 1A
x NAME / / / :
MAVRE AMARYLLIS Formerly Mavre Dei-Ijla, Alesta Cen Durena, et alx DOB / / / /
11th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon. Feb. 10thx AGE / / / / :
100+. Generally unknown to mostx RACE / / / /
VIERA Rava Clanx GENDER / / /
Cis FEMALE.x SEXUALITY / / / / :
PANSEXUAL. Semi-monogamousx HOMELAND / / / / :
GOLMORE JUNGLE. Unable to returnx PROFESSION / / / / :
ADVENTURER.See also treasure hunter, artisan, emissary

x FIG. 1B
x MAIN JOB / / / :
RED MAGE Studied under X'rhun Tiax SECONDARY JOB / / / :
DRAGOON As Warrior of Lightx ADDITIONAL JOBS / / / :
MACHNIST & Warrior, Sage, Reaper

Mavre was born in 1473 in the boughs of Dei-Ijla village, the first daughter of Nemma. Her ears were carefully cleaned so that the first thing she could hear was the voice of the Wood. Three years later, another child followed, little Dalro who cried loudly as the Green Word whispered into his ears. Her early youth was a lighthearted one, cared for by many of the elders of Dei-Ijla and exploring the wood with her sibling close at her side. Her curiosity was noted early on, always keen to understand how things worked or how things were made. A year shy of her thirteenth birthday is when the Green Word first spoke in words that were clear enough to understand.“Beloved daughter, the seed that was sowed in you will blossom into the hardiest of blooms.”These words, cryptic as they were, were both a blessing and a burden. Hearers of the Wood interpreted it's meaning as Mavre would become Dei-Ijla's next leader, much like her own mother. And so she was raised under careful training while Dalro went his own path to become a Wood Warder. Despite the rules, the siblings kept in close contact, their letters to each other keep each other strong for the years to come. Since her thirteenth birthday, her sleep was fraught with nightmares that she couldn’t understand. Although the details varied, it was always the same themes: bloodshed, destruction, and constructions she had never seen before. She spoke with her elders and even her mother, but none could offer an answer to her questions. Surely, this had to mean something; perhaps the Wood was trying to warn her of impending danger.
She however, let her worries fall to the wayside, focusing only on how she can serve the Green Word. Such a time was cut short quickly. She had left on a simple hunt, like she’s always done before, tracking down a large beast she had marked the day prior. Yet all she found was the broken and battered body of her brother, his eyes still wide open and in shock. It wasn’t the first time she had seen a dead body but the sight of him made her blood run cold. For any other death before, she could easily identify the cause of their demise. But his body lay twisted and burned in ways that didn’t make sense to her. She cried to the forest for answers, clutching his body close as she remained the only one to mourn his loss.But the Wood was silent to her cries. Because despite how it happened, this would always be the fate of most Wood Warders - to live alone and die alone. Finding Dalro like this had only cemented in her mind one thing - that there was something to the nightmares, visions, whatever you would call them. She continued her duties but in the dark of night, she would search the Wood for answers, any signs of what might have killed him in the first place. Then she found it: a large, terrible machine marching through the Wood. It couldn’t get very far, for the hulking machine had no way to navigate the boughs like she could, obviously operated by someone with no navigational awareness. She watched as it blasted it’s way back out of the forest, leaving ash and smolders of flame in its wake. And she was reminded of the dreams of inferno and pain that plagued her. Was this her answer?
That’s when she would finally understand. Her nightmares weren’t warnings from the Wood. The Wood was working toward shielding her from the truth. Approaching the elders and her mother only cemented this as the truth, for they echoed the Green Word to her, telling her to shut her eyes and keep her ears open only to its teachings. For a long time, Mavre struggled with this, conflicted between her duty and the nagging fear in her mind. If she kept ignoring what she saw, how could she be sure it wouldn’t arrive at her doorstep? Shortly after her birthday, she finally decided. No matter what, she had to commit her greatest sin against the Wood and turn her back on her village and set off for the outside world. For what good would it do her to lead her village if she couldn’t be confident in their safety like this?She left a letter for her mother, not knowing she would get to say goodbye before leaving Golmore Jungle. Amongst her apology, there was a singular hope. That while she may never see it in her lifetime, Mavre hoped that by cutting off her connection to the Wood, that she was in turn preventing something worse from happening to her home. And so, she left, no longer a “true” Rava and embarked on a journey far flung from the boughs she called home. She found herself in the royal city of Rabanastre, bright-eyed and bushy eared as she was. Although it would be some time before she discovered this information, Dalmasca had been occupied by the recently formed Garlemaud after losing a major battle a few years prior. Although they had won, they had allowed for the existing government to exist even if they were no longer in the ruling class. Thus, Mavre had entered a land going through the slow process of subjugation under Garlean rule, a process that they would perfect over time. Through sheer luck she was found by another Viera and brought into the fold of a small resistance group who focused their efforts on providing support to the people of Rabanastre.
But as had started to become a pattern, this new life would not last long at all. Through a series of events involving the discovery of experimentation on Viera by the Garleans, an incident during her work as a escort for Garlean officers and nobles, and other related incidents, her time in Rabanstre was quickly wearing thin. Through the help of some connections she had made, she found herself on the arm of a merchant heading into Radz-At-Han. She would end up parting ways with the merchant who got her there, although they would remain good friends all the while. She found solace in researching and reading up on alchemy in the renowned schools of Thavanir. Here her background in botany would serve her well, as the alchemists were often in need of assistance with supplies and she was more than happy to help them out. Beyond that, her time was more often spent with the different merchants of Radz-At-Han, continuing to provide companionship or the like to those would pay for it. Never before had she been in a place so rich in color and vibrancy and they were more than happy to share it with her.A serendipitous encounter with a crew of maybe pirates would find her more at sea from there on out.This crew, consisting of a mix of Au Ra and other races who had been ousted from Yanxia, were focused on creating a life for themselves on the open seas. On the surface, they provided a range of services: from bodyguarding and transportation for merchants traversing the Sirensong Sea, especially with rumors of ghosts and curses to the exploration and acquisition of artifacts from ruins lands over. Their travels would bring her to Ala Mhigo where they spent a good portion of time before the King of Ruin's massacre occurred, causing them to leave quickly. The crew would split ways although Mavre would continue her services as a treasure hunter, this time hoping to help reclaim lost artifacts and bring them to their right places.

x FIG. 2A
The main verse for RP purposes. Mavre has settled in Eorzea to continue her business. On paper, she acts as an restoration expert and archaeologist and historian. But it is largely a cover for her explorations in ruins and other locales to recover goods so that they might be returned to rightful owners or redistributed to disenfranchised groups. There is a surprising amount of paperwork that is also involved in this endeavor. With regards to MSQ, she was a Scion before their disbandment thanks to Y'shtola and Thancred's suggestion.

x FIG. 2B
N O T . V A N . H E L S I N G .
Upon arriving to Eorzea and joining the Scions, Mavre investigates the disappearances related to Haukke Manor and other events. With her natural abilities of detecting aetheric changes as a Viera, she gets called upon often to investigate and cull the influences of voidsent and the like that she comes across. When she turned to red magic, she has noticed that the situations in which she ends up coming across denizens of the dark only have been increasing, especially with her practice of red magic. How odd!

x FIG. 2C
After the ordeals of Ala Mhigo and her time in Kugane, Mavre has found herself in Gridania, opting to focus her talents in becoming a botanist. She's excellent at what she does and is always happy to help others procure the items they might need. In her time as a local botanist, she did come across a peculiar creature while pulling out root vegetables. The creature ended up bonding to her and making a pact with her. It would help with the gardening if it is allowed to drain aether from the things she might hunt. Didn't seem like a bad deal at the time.

x FIG. 2D
An offshoot of the "Tomb Raider" verse, in which Mavre's exploits has led to her to becoming quite close to certain diplomats, starting in Gridania. Currently, her work focuses on helping city-state leaders entreat with the myriad tribes as well as their own people. Currently, her main role is to provide assistance to the houses of Ishgard and with the newly formed republic of Ala Mhigo. When she is not doing political work, she often moonlights as a food journalist, stopping by various venues to sample their cuisine and atmosphere.